
"Comme l'oiseau sur la branche Comme l'ivrogne dans le choeur de la nuit J'ai cherche ma liberte"

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Location: London, United Kingdom

undergraduate philosophy student at warwick university

Sunday, April 20, 2008



a not too well informed response, but nevermind:

hitler youth :"he said his teenage years had been "marred by a sinister regime". "
yeh IN HINDSIGHT! WELL DUH! "Its influence grew, infiltrating schools and civic bodies, as well as politics and even religion, before it was fully recognised for the monster it was," !!!!

the hitler youth WAS SPECIFICALLY designed to give these mini-nazis the most rewarding, strengthening, communitarian, idealistic time of their lives!!!
and i bet he had a bloody awesome time too!! OBVIOUSLY later, AS WOULD BE EXPECT, he;d realise it was rather shitty, well, for some ppl.
so he is moaning about being part of the hitler youth, ah diddums, HOW ABOUT TRY BEING A JEW UNDER THE NAZI REGIME!

also, i love it! I LOVE IT! FOUCAULT AT WORK!
"The sexual abuse scandal has been a recurring theme in the Pope's visit.
Addressing 40,000 people at a Washington stadium earlier in the week, he spoke of the issue before talking privately to a group of people who had been abused by priests. "
yeh he has talked about it FOUR TIMES NOW in public, must also be the regular chit-chat over breakfast, lunch and dinner too!

HE GETS PLEASURE, THE LISTENERS GET PLEASURE! PLEASURE ALL ROUND! apart from the abused kids who are suddenly the centre of attention and are having their past shoved in their faces but the very people who did it. what hypocrisy. pfft.


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