the precariousness of our subjectivity, with all the paraphonalia that comes with it (freedom, responibilty ect), becomes apprant if we take the case of “victims” of brain damage or head injury (I use the word “victim” without the connotations of being partonising. I used the word lightly.) in these cases, the “victim”( im going to use the word “subject”actaully, despite that being the very fragile “thing” we are trying to analyis and possibily deconstrunt) may become “subject to” (not in control of, in the grips of something other) the tendancies usually supressed/repressed by those who have not be in their circumstances. It is often noted that people with severe brain trauma may have drasctically augmented behaviour to that of their “previous” selves (so much so that I can use the word previous self in the sense that “are they the same person?”, but I shant get into the problem of the self right now, I wouldn’t even know how!).
now obviously if it is serious the chances are that you cant speak, let along be able to yell out sexual explivatives.
But my concern here is with the not so severe cases, but where the changes in personality are generally not appreciated, and perhaps not authentically recongined for what they are.
There is much too much to go into with regard to the actions, responsibilty and reaction by society to the novell and “inappropriae” actions or words that are the result of the brain damage, however I would like to pose the question that brain injusry has the possibility to allow for such thoughts to be expressed that otherwise would be repressed and so actualised through more destructuve means (perhaps in non-brain damaged people. But arent we all brain damaged, shell shocked, traumatised in one way or another?). It is interesting to consider a society of brain damaged mutants, yet with such “freedom” and lack of predictability!
now obviously if it is serious the chances are that you cant speak, let along be able to yell out sexual explivatives.
But my concern here is with the not so severe cases, but where the changes in personality are generally not appreciated, and perhaps not authentically recongined for what they are.
There is much too much to go into with regard to the actions, responsibilty and reaction by society to the novell and “inappropriae” actions or words that are the result of the brain damage, however I would like to pose the question that brain injusry has the possibility to allow for such thoughts to be expressed that otherwise would be repressed and so actualised through more destructuve means (perhaps in non-brain damaged people. But arent we all brain damaged, shell shocked, traumatised in one way or another?). It is interesting to consider a society of brain damaged mutants, yet with such “freedom” and lack of predictability!
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