
"Comme l'oiseau sur la branche Comme l'ivrogne dans le choeur de la nuit J'ai cherche ma liberte"

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Location: London, United Kingdom

undergraduate philosophy student at warwick university

Sunday, September 03, 2006

body language baby

Continuing from my post http://aporia86.spaces.live.com/?_c11_blogpart_blogpart=blogview&_c=blogpart&partqs=amonth%3d11%26ayear%3d2005 from way back in deepest darkest 2005, here is a little variation on the theme of internet-ness and internetal criticism.

Msn really is a shambles. I admit, I use it all the time and feel pangs of angst and despair when I am without it, like a long distance lover. However a particularly disturbing aspect of msn is when you have those conversations with people you barely know and who you are not yet familiar with their body language.
99.9% of people who I “chat” with (we really need a new word for msn chit-chat), on msn, I know well enough to people able to conceive of their voices with it’s timbre, pitch etc. of course there is still a huge lacuna which makes the whole process either more exhilarating (terms of the speculation and game-theory type moves which are made), or, extreme misunderstandings, unintentional facades, etc.

These problems are at their most extreme when your understanding and familiarity of the other is minimal. (im not talking about 13 year old girls chatting to 45 year old scenario). Isn’t it something like 60-90% of our communication comes down to body language? Well, emoticons just don’t seem to replace it really. I guess there are web cams, yet that is just making another excuse to allow for the dismembering of real stimulation.
I think this is a perfect subject for baudrillard’s next paper……….(maybe he’s reading this right now……..swoon).


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