
"Comme l'oiseau sur la branche Comme l'ivrogne dans le choeur de la nuit J'ai cherche ma liberte"

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Location: London, United Kingdom

undergraduate philosophy student at warwick university

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


There comes a point when, no matter how hard we may try to put on a front, perhaps not even fully-conscientiously, it will break down and our weaknesses (or what we unjustly feel to be weaknesses) which we were trying to shun somehow manage to manifest themselves in the most contorted ways. In this in these midsts of anxiety, and moments of revelation, if you will, that certain truths just have to be admitted to ourselves.

These moments will also profoundly affect our sense of self and identity, our dignity and also the feeling of certainty or confidence which we formed with the former o-so-faithful protecting self.

In my case, it has been the realisation that I cant escape every single one of the stereotypes about being a woman, never mind how hard I try.
At some unexpected moment, this surge of doom and weakness, which I must accept, throws me back into a world of such “female generalisations”, and these make feel ashamed.

“Rise above it” I tell myself, but the more I repress it the more the violent the impact when my strength defeats me. If only these generalisations weren’t so commodifed to the exploitative extent that they are, then maybe they would be easier to deal with and less tainted.

If we would just realise that a chocolate bar doesn’t deal with pms, and we cannot be satisfied with “a romantic comedy with a glass of wine “, and, that a man cleaning the toilet doesn’t solve all our problems.

These matters can’t be trivialised anymore.


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